Posts By Erik Edmonds

New Program Strategy: Go Deep, Not Wide
If you’ve built a successful online adult degree program, it’s time to invest in what’s working by going deep into your specialized field.

Google Search Trends in Higher Education
How to Use Search Terms to Boost Alternative Education Programs The only constant society has experienced in the last couple of years is change. Education? Changing. Workplaces? Changing. Our culture as a whole? Changing. With all these shifts, there’s good news and bad news for the higher education market. The Bad News: Enrollments are dropping.

Adapting to the Shift: Student Enrollment Mindset
Savvy prospective students have higher expectations for information gathering ahead of investing in a program or certificate. Higher education marketers can benefit from changing their approach to enrollment marketing.

New Data Suggests the Demand for Higher Ed Is Increasing
Based on data from a recent report from Google, it appears that although enrollment is still down, interest in higher education is actually trending in the opposite direction. The first and second quarters of 2019 marked the periods of largest growth in Edu searches since the first quarter of 2017.

Dominate Search Results at Every Step in The Prospective Student Journey
Many clients ask us whether they should focus on branded terms or non-brand terms when developing their SEM strategy. Find out how we answered.